Social Medical Guidelines
Daily Task - 30 min to 1 hour on Instagram
Please engage with our followers and the community for the Base Medical account for 30 minutes to 1 hour on daily. Let me know there are messages I need to respond to.
Possible actions:
Like and possibly comment on search and rescue teams and other posts and stories
Search and follow Search and Rescue teams and related wilderness medicine organizations
Search for and follow other outdoor organizations that would benefit from wilderness medicine training
Search various tags and like posts
Read posts from Wilderness Medical Society, SAR teams, David Fifer, Tim Durkin, Hawkvox, Willmd911, NOLS, SOLO, and Wilderness Medical Associates. You will give me an update on any news or anything interesting during our meetings.
Save or share interesting and relevant content. Feel free to save creative posts you think we can replicate.
Always share SAR team posts about fundraisers.
Base Medical Account: Wild4safety!instagram
Weekly Posts
We will aim to post three times a week following a loose content calendar. All posts will be created in Canva. If a template exists, use it. In addition to creating , posting, and promoting content, we will build a content library in Meet Edgar. Meet Edgar is a program that will automatically post content to social media on a set schedule. It pulls content from a library. The goal is to have enough content that is automatically posting 2-3 times a week. We can still post content in addition on Thursdays and Fridays.
Flex Post - Teal
Content posted on Mondays can be anything we want. This can be special announcements about Base Medical, etc.
Guidelines For Drafting Social Media Content
Our Value Proposition: The Value Proposition defines what we offer to our followers.
Base Medical offers educational content to SAR teams and potential wilderness medicine students. We strive to educate the community on the barriers that exist in SAR and wilderness medicine is a way that is empowering and positive.
Community Post - Matthew
Content posted on Wednesdays will feature people or action in the outdoor community. These posts will promote our partners, SAR teams, intro our instructors, team members, and other community news in SAR and Wilderness Medicine.
Possible Hashtags:
Instagram will flag posts with the same repeated hashtags. Therefore, here are three different sets of hashtags you can easily copy depending on who the post is targeting. Each set has 20 hashtags, up to 30 are allowed. Use the extra space to add relevant hashtags to your post.
Set #1 - More SAR team and member oriented
Set #2 - More Wilderness Medicine Professional Oriented
Set #3 - Lay Community Oriented
#basemedical #outdoorsafety #SAR #searchandrescue #mountainrescue #wildernessfirstaid #optout #optoutside #thegreatoutdoors #mountains #wildernessculture #wilderness #camping #climbing #hiking #nature #trail #backpacking #adventure #hike #wfr #wildernessfirstresponder #wfa #emt #mountainbiking #goplayoutside #takeahike #getoutside #cold #snow #alpine
Products and Services Post - Dave
Content posted on Fridays will feature our products and services. These posts will promote our SAR and Wilderness Medicine courses, our training options, etc.
Canva Filter: Latte or Whimsical (adjusted)
Written content can be added to the “Notes” for each post in the templates. Click “notes” in the bottom left corner of the Canva template.