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  • Base Medical charges a $65 fee per student and an additional $20 per student for supplies. The base pay per day for an instructor is $250. The organization will be charged for instructor travel. Travel may include hotel, airfare, rental car, or milage reimbursement. Our travel policy reimburses instructors for milage in their personal vehicle over 50 miles.

    We require a minimum of 5 students to teach an in-person course and have a 10 to 1 student to instructor ratio. We do not recommend a course larger than 20 students. A typical hybrid in-person WFA is one day in length (8 hours), however, a two-day in-person course is an option. The organization will be responsible for selecting the course location. Base Medical can find a course location but for a fee and the cost of the venue will be included in the invoice.

  • Great for organizations with members in located in different areas!

    Base Medical charges a $65 fee per student and an additional $150 administration. The base pay per day for an instructor is $250.

    We require a minimum of 5 students to teach a remote course and have a 5 to 1 student to instructor ratio. We do not recommend a course larger than 10 students. The remote WFA is one day in length (8-hours). ere

  • Base Medical charges a $125 fee per student and an additional $20 per student for supplies. The base pay per day for an instructor is $250. The organization will be charged for instructor travel. Travel may include hotel, airfare, rental car, or milage reimbursement. Our travel policy reimburses instructors for milage in their personal vehicle over 50 miles.

    We require a minimum of 5 students to teach an in-person course and have a 10 to 1 student to instructor ratio. We do not recommend a course larger than 20 students. A typical hybrid in-person WFR is 5 days in length. The organization will be responsible for selecting the course location. Base Medical can find a course location but for a fee and the cost of the venue will be included in the invoice.

  • Base Medical charges a $85 fee per student and an additional $20 per student for supplies. The base pay per day for an instructor is $250. The organization will be charged for instructor travel. Travel may include hotel, airfare, rental car, or milage reimbursement. Our travel policy reimburses instructors for milage in their personal vehicle over 50 miles.

    We require a minimum of 5 students to teach an in-person course and have a 10 to 1 student to instructor ratio. We do not recommend a course larger than 20 students. A typical hybrid in-person WFR is 2 days in length. The organization will be responsible for selecting the course location. Base Medical can find a course location but for a fee and the cost of the venue will be included in the invoice.

  • Base Medical charges an $85 fee per student and an additional $150 administration. The base pay per day for an instructor is $250.

    We require a minimum of 5 students to teach a remote course and have a 5 to 1 student to instructor ratio. We do not recommend a course larger than 10 students. The remote WFR is 2 days in length (16-hours).

What to Expect

 Base Medical's courses are all delivered following a hybrid model. Here's what you can expect for each course type. 
  • This course covers the foundational concepts of wilderness medicine. A Base Medical Wilderness First Aid course is primarily designed for non-medical recreational users and outdoor professionals who will most likely be the initial first aid provider in outdoor areas where advanced help, evacuation, and access to definitive care may be delayed. WFA is the assessment of and basic treatment given to an ill or injured person in an area where advanced help and access to definitive care is not easily accessible.

    This course includes 8 hours of self-paced online coursework, followed by an 8 hour day of in-person practical training with a Base Medical instructor. Whether for an organization or an independent, public course, your instructor will coordinate with you on the time, location, and details of your in-person training day.

    And yes, we have partnered with CorpsTHAT, and Rocky Mountain Youth Corps to spearhead the first wilderness first aid course for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing! See our “WFA in ASL” Link in the top right corner of our webpages.

  • Similar to the in-person course, our hybrid remote WFA covers the foundational concepts of wilderness medicine. We’ve designed this course to break down the barriers to accessing in-person training by bringing the practical training to you!

    This course includes 8 hours of self-paced online coursework, followed by an 8 hour day of remote practical training via Zoom with a Base Medical instructor. A volunteer or student peer will be needed to act as a patient for 2 hour time windows throughout the day. Students are required to have a laptop and basic first aid supplies.

    Your instructor will provide more details regarding your remote practical training after enrollment

  • A Base Medical Wilderness First Responder course is primarily designed for outdoor professionals who will most likely be the initial patient care provider in outdoor areas where advanced help, evacuation, and access to definitive care may be delayed

    A Wilderness First Responder certification requires a greater time commitment than the WFA certification. It includes 24 hours of online coursework followed by 40 hours (4-5 days) of in-person practical training. The WFR certification classes also include an extended night-time class session on the third or fourth day of class. This session includes a realistic scenario in which students get hands-on practice in extended patient assessment, care, and evacuation planning and execution. If you have questions about this aspect of the course, please contact your instructor or the training director at

    Base Medical WFR certifications last two years with a third year grace period. CPR/AED training can be included in your course registration for an additional fee.

    Whether for an organization or an independent, public course, your instructor will coordinate with you on the time, location, and details of your in-person training days. Students are required to complete the online coursework before attending the in-person practical training.

  • The Base Medical in-person recertification course is a great option to keep you and your team or organization’s skills up to date. It includes 24 hours of online coursework followed by 16 hours (2 days) of in-person practical training. Students are required to complete the online coursework before attending the in-person practical training.

    Base Medical WFR certifications last two years with a third year grace period. CPR/AED training can be included in your course registration for an additional fee.

    Whether for an organization or an independent, public course, your instructor will coordinate with you on the time, location, and details of your in-person training days.

  • Similar to the in-person course, our hybrid remote WFR recertification is designed for outdoor professionals who will most likely be the initial patient care provider in outdoor areas where advanced help, evacuation, and access to definitive care may be delayed. We’ve designed this course to break down the barriers to accessing in-person training by bringing the practical training to you!

    This course includes 24 hours of self-paced online coursework, followed by 16 hours of remote practical training over two days via Zoom with a Base Medical instructor. A volunteer or student peer will be needed to act as a patient for 2 hour time windows throughout the days. Students are required to have a laptop and basic first aid supplies.

    Base Medical WFR certifications last two years with a third year grace period.

    Your instructor will provide more details regarding your remote practical training after enrollment.

Group/Organization Training Inquiry

Tell us about your group and the wilderness medicine training you need. 

Group Information