Wilderness Medicine and Search and Rescue Training
9,500+ students
We give training access to those who need it most.
Our programs empower non-profits, SAR teams, guiding groups, the forest service, and many others to deliver in-house training that is affordable, standardized, and sustainable. Learn more about becoming a Base Medical Education Provider.
The Mountaineers
The Mazamas
King County SAR
The Sierra Club
Washoe County SAR
Rocky Mountain Youth Corps
GoodTrip Adventures
The Mountaineers - The Mazamas - King County SAR - The Sierra Club - Washoe County SAR - Rocky Mountain Youth Corps - CorpsTHAT - GoodTrip Adventures -
Training for Organizations and SAR Teams
We are your training solution
Online Search and Rescue Training
Wilderness Medicine Courses
From in-person courses, to online recertification, and virtual training, quality education has never been more accessible
Thank you so much for creating this for those like me who don't have the option of doing hands on training.
I was really worried because in my area there is no where I can go to get a Re certification. The closest locations are normally a days drive away and I didn't gave the time for that. So I searched for anything else that I could find to do my re certification and found Base Medical. I wasn't sure at first, but it was about my only option and I needed it done. The course material was very well done, the testing did an amazing job of reminding you of what was important, and I could go at my own pace. I think they went over some of the material better than the hands on courses I have taken at times.
-Erin Q.